Monday, June 27, 2016

Starting to restore the 1966 Honda S65

I haven't posted anything in a while so I thought I would post about restoring my dad's old motorcycle.
When he passed away 4 years ago, he left me 2 things that I needed to restore, a 1957 Jaguar mk7m and a 1966 Honda S65 motorcycle. I'm going to start with the easy one first since I don't know anything about restoring something. This should be fun. I have a friend who is going to help me along the way but I am going to try and learn to do most of the work myself. I probably won't be doing the engine/transmission, he will be doing that part.
I remember when I was young(under 10) the bike being at the side of my grandma's house and the shed. I remember sitting on it thinking this was the coolest thing ever, it just sat there, I don't know what condition it was in at the time. Greg had taken it apart and boxed it up years ago, I told myself I was going to rebuild it. I think this was something that he was going to do at some point so I am going to finish it.

So, this past week I have stripped the bike down to get ready for powder coating. I have been taking photos of everything along the way so I can put it all back together. I have manuals and diagrams, I think I am ready to go. I am also going to stick with the original colour.

All photos will be posted at